Fees and Payment
- It is the responsibility of the parent to ensure all fees are paid in advance. Failure to do so will result in withdrawal of the child’s place.
- For any cash payments please ensure you receive a receipt on the date of payment and that all payments are made directly to the manager or deputy manager. Fort4Fun cannot accept responsibility if this procedure is not followed.
- There will be additional charges for extra activities. These are payable online as an extra option. If you miss these of your booking, they will be added by the admin team before the activity is due to take place. Any unpaid activities will result in children not being able to take part. All extra activities are non-refundable.
Late Collection and Fees
- Any late collections will be charged at £1 per minute after 6.30pm and is payable upon collection or it will be added to your online account.
- After 7pm Fort4fun has a duty to contact Social Services
- Persistent lateness will result in withdrawal of the child’s place without a refund of any monies paid
- Non-payment of late fees will result in the withdrawal of the child’s place.
Notice and Refunds
- Money will not be refunded due to sessions missed by the student for sickness, school trips, holidays, or play dates. Fort 4 Fun still requires notification of any missed sessions for safeguarding purposes.
- For a child already enrolled at Fort4Fun, 4 weeks written notice is required to end services provided by Fort4Fun to be entitled to a full refund of any monies paid.
- Fort 4 Fun requires a minimum of 7 days notice for any changes or cancellations. In this case, you will be issued a credit note onto your account. You are able to make changes and cancel on your online account. Any requests by admin to carry out these tasks within the notice period will be charged a £5 administration charge.
- You will not receive a refund or credit note for cancellations made with less than 7 days notice.
- You will not be able to move sessions to future dates out of the minimum 7 day notice period.
Late & Irregular bookings
Fort 4 Fun needs sufficient notice to collect children after school in order to ensure adequate staffing and food supplies.
- To reserve a place after school, please book online at www.fort4fun.co.uk and click on ‘book now’ at least 24 hours before childcare is required.
- Emergency childcare (on the day booking) will only be accepted providing we have space. Again, these can be booked via text message or email. Bookings of this kind will be charged an additional fee of £5 on top of the daily rate
- Payment must be made in cash on collection. There are no exceptions to this and failure to make payment will result in refusal of further ad hoc bookings.
- For genuine emergencies, please do not hesitate to contact us regardless of time and we will endeavour to help in any way we can however the on the day booking fee will apply. Please note a genuine emergency is not a regular occurrence and Fort 4 Fun reserves the right to refuse any bookings they feel do not adhere to the clubs terms and conditions.
Health and Safety
- All children who enrol at Fort4Fun must be registered online prior to their start date.
- Fort4Fun will ensure safety is always paramount and the facilities used are adequate to meet the needs of the children
- All staff have been assessed by the Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) and are subject to checks every 6 months.
- Fire Procedures are prominently displayed within the building and all staff are aware of what action to take in the event of a fire.
- In the case of an accident causing injury, first aid boxes with basic supplies are available.
- A qualified first aider will be on duty at all times.
- For more serious injuries, Fort4Fun may need to seek professional medical assistance by calling emergency services or escorting the injured individual to a place where they can receive treatment. If professional medical assistance is required parents will be informed immediately.
- In the event that a child requires immediate medical treatment before the parent can get to the hospital or if the parent & emergency contacts cannot be reached, a Fort 4 Fun staff member present will consent to any emergency medical treatment necessary to ensure the health and safety of the child on behalf of the parent.
- In the case of head injuries, parents will be informed immediately.
- In the case of minor injuries, parents will be informed upon collection.
- All accidents will be recorded.
- Fort 4 Fun cannot administer any medical treatment to a child without a prescription and directions from a medical professional.
- Fort 4 Fun can only administer medicine if the parent completes a permission to administer medicine form, which is available on the Forms & Policies page.
- Fort4Fun can agree to do so at their discretion.
- Parents must inform Fort4Fun of any medical requirements in writing prior to enrolment. Fort4Fun reserves the right to not accept children on medical grounds.
Drop off and Collection of children
- Children can only be collected by person agreed prior or listed on the child’s booking form.
- Any adult collecting a child must sign out.
- If a child is disruptive, destructive or dangerous to themselves, other students, or staff members, Fort4Fun reserves the right to withdraw the child’s place immediately without a refund of any monies paid.
- Fort4Fun is a positive, enabling environment and will give rewards to children who get it right. Equally appropriate sanctions will be given to children who do not follow the Fort4Fun rules.
- It is the parent’s responsibility to inform Fort4Fun of any behavioural problems prior to enrolment. If Fort4Fun believes such issues may not be conducive to other children, it reserves the right to not accept children on this basis.
- Fort4Fun will provide a nutritious snack to children who attend during the holidays.
- Fort4Fun aims to be a nut free zone. Parents must help us reach this goal
- All staff handling food will be trained in food hygiene.